Handout Feedback
I've just finished reading most of the handouts and there are a few things that I’ve noticed which aren’t really dealt with or even mentioned. The foremost is that there seems to be a lot of whining about western values, western ideals, western drivers for commodisation. But there seems to be not mention of eastern values, eastern ideals, and eastern drivers to whatever it is they drive for. See what I mean, I don’t even know what the desired end goal for eastern drivers is. Considering we are living in Australia and in the great context in out immediate neighbors are oriental in origin wouldn’t it be prudent to perhaps at least touch on some basics regarding this. Second a lot of the text in the handouts takes the assumption that our morals and ethics are the same as theirs or that we have ethics and morals at all! What happens if I don’t have any? Or mine differ so much that I might as well not have any? It seems that the writers aren’t really interested in these things and more in the lime light of publishing something that’s most likely very well researched and written but to me something close to a pseudo-intelligencia tripe. I’m sure as much as we’d like to think Australia is the same as the United States or Europe, in truth we’re not because our history and culture are completely different. It just comes across to me as interesting information but hardly applicable to our situation.
why must there be a distinction? "eastern", "western", is it not just a case of a fear of what is outside of our concept of cultural coherence? Australian mainstream, despite its best xenophobic efforts, still connot concieve of not "owning" itself. We cling to a northern hemispere division of peoples, and values as if it is, and and will be, a factor in understanding ourselves. We do not fit here - and perhaps that is where our identity rests.
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